Our Beach Morning

This morning my step dad had a really bad head ache but we still had to go to work. We all went to work this morning and at first he was ok, but then he started to have the flu. We decided to take him and our dogs home, then my mom and I went back to work. First we had to stop by Miner's Hardware where one of our Employees works. We saw her and waited in line to talk to her. While we were waiting I got my mom and me some popcorn. When it was our turn we told Ava that my step dad had the flu and wanted to know if she could take his place tonight, but she had to work late.
Then we went to Carlock's to pick up the bread for work. My mom and I also got a muffin. We went back to work. My mom cleaned up and she came to the truck where I was reading and waiting. She said that she was going to take me somewhere where I've never been.
We ended up going to Montana de Oro beach. It was really pretty going there. It looked like we were in a forest of Eucalyptus trees.
At the beach there was a fresh water creek flowing from the mountains into the ocean. The water felt kinda warm. It was warm, clear water and at the bottom there was a lot of slippery moss. We walked up the side of the creek as far as we could until it came to a stop. You would have to swim if you wanted to go any further.
We walked back to the beach. The sand is made out of rocks, it was really rocky there. Some of the rocks were shaped like squares and rectangles. Some of them had holes in them. We collected some to take home. We walked along the edge of the water for the whole length of the beach. It reminded me of Baja.
We walked back to the truck and had a sandwich for lunch before going home.
Hay Angel Girl your visit to the beach sounds like it wasw a lot of fun. I'm glad I was able to get into the site this time as I wasn't able to the last time I was on. The only problem is that the picture that you had up didn't finish all the way so I don't know what you were trying to show us. You can tell me about it the next time I call. Love you lot's. Nana
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