My Family Visit - Hearst Castle
Last weekend my family came up to visit. My Grandma, my Grandpa, my Great Aunt and my brother. They drove up from where they live and picked up my brother and then they drove up here and checked into their hotel. They met me at my choir practice after school. We then went to my house and got dressed for dinner. We went back to their hotel for wine and cheese before going to dinner. After dinner we went back to their hotel room and watched t.v. for awhile then my brother and I went back to my house. We watched a funny movie with my mom and then went to bed.
The next day we got up and got dressed and my brother and I went down to my grandparent's hotel room. We had breakfast and hung out for awhile. My brother, my grandma and I walked across the street to the bay. We went on our way to Hearst Castle.
The tour was ok. I think I'll be even more intrigued with it when I'm older. My favorite thing about the Hearst Castle was the ride up there on the bus cause it was really fun and it was kind of like a roller coaster. The bus went a good speed to be on time and it was kind of rocky and it was fun. We got to see big horned sheep, deer and coyotes and a bunch of old stuff that a dead guy made.
After the tour we went out for lunch and then my family dropped me off at my house. They had to go home. It was a really fun weekend.

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