4 H Projects This Year
4 H just started this year. This year there are two levels of Horsemanship. I did level one last year. This year I am doing level 2. My first horse meeting was last Sunday. After that meeting we decided to take lessons with my 4 H horse leader named Michelle. I am going to go twice a week on Tuesday and Thursdays. I was going to try to go English, but after my second lesson we decided to stick with Western. My favorite horse there is named "Kelly". I like Kelly because he's really big and loving and is a very friendly horse. He likes to make duck noises with his tongue and stick it out at you. He is 17 hands tall and he's dark brown, almost black. He's 16 years old and sometimes they call him "Smelly Kelly" because he likes to eat his poop and roll in it and fart on you. I'm going to try to get him for the Halloween parade and dress him up as a fairy horse cause I want to be some sort of a fairy this year because all the scary masks weren't what we wanted.
The other 4 H project I'm taking is Cooking Level 1. We had our first meeting last Thursday. We made vegetable soup and decorated cooking aprons. The reason why I'm taking this class is because I want to learn how to cook and it might help me get into "Kid Nation".
I'm also doing Community Service again this year because I like to help people. I'm going to be a junior leader this year since I got so many hours last year and won the Presidential bronze award. Another reason why I do community service is because I think it will help me get into college cause they look at all the community service kids did. If I start young I will have a whole bunch of hours by the time I finish high school and think of all the people I can help by that time!
Last night my brother came up to spend the night and go to my 4 H Awards program. I bought a new fancy uniform and a fancy belt that had real cow fur on it and felt real smooth. We had a lot of fun and it was a very proud, proud day. The President signed my certificate and my award. This is my first pin for my 4 H hat. It's an eagle and it's bronze and it has red, white and blue on it and it's really pretty. I think I want to set a goal of around 100 community hours this year.
I sent some pictures of the program last night to some friends and my family and got some really nice notes back. Here's what one of our very close baja friends named Wild Bill wrote to me:
Yeeeee Haaaaaw!!! & Congratulations!!!
There truly isn't anything more rewarding than giving of your time. And for a young'n to have a grasp on that early on in life is truly a gift!
Abrazos y Besos a todos,
Wild Bill
Here's some pictures, I hope you enjoy them.

We are very proud of you. You looked great in your uniform and I love that cow fur belt! It was fun having Connor come up for your program and hanging out with him and checking out the Halloween store.
You are going to be very busy this year, but it will be fun.
Way to go Angel Girl: I am so very proud of you I could almost burst. I have an idea that I am going to pass on to mom for you that may help you earn some more points in 4-H. I loved the photos of you & of Connor. Keep up the great work as I know it will make you feel especially good as you help other's & your community. Nini sends you her regards & she too is SOOOOO proud of you. Love you lots. Nana & Nini
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