Our Garden

Where we live we planted a garden. In it we have a lot of different vegetables. Some of the vegetables we have are radishes, corn, sugar peas, squash, pumpkin, beets, beans, onions, and carrots. We also have three different kinds of tomatoes, basil, strawberries, and eight giant sunflowers that are as tall as me.
My job is every Sunday to weed the garden. Usually my job is to water and weed the garden, but now I don't need to weed it so often because the squash is growing every where and I have to be careful not to step on it.
So far we've eaten carrots, beets, strawberries, sugar peas and radishes. The corn is almost ready to be picked. We have about 26 ears of corn. We are growing our second batch of beets and radishes. My favorite thing about the garden is the strawberries and the beets. I really like to eat beets.
Our garden is going wild!!! You've done a good job. Are you getting tired of eating vegetables yet?
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