Our Christmas

For Christmas this year we went down to Mexico. We went down a day before Christmas Eve, the day I got out of school. I came home, we had a nap, then we left. It was around 6pm. I was happy because Aunt Ruth gave me a new dvd called The Polar Express to watch on the way down. I watched the movie for most of the way down. We did In and Out Burger for dinner and got to our house around 2 in the morning.
The next day we went and got a Christmas tree. It was a little brown, but it was really pretty. After we bought our tree we went to El Recreo in Maneadero for lunch. It was very good. Our special guy Sabino was there and he knows exactly what I like. After we got our tree home, we fixed it by chopping some of the stem off so it wouldn't be too long, he put it in the tree stand, then we all took a nap then we decorated it.
The next day was Christmas Eve. Lynette came over and we baked Christmas cookies. Lynette is my best friend that lives a block away from our house. She also helped me build the Santa table. Lynette and I were still decorating cookies when our good friend Terry came for dinner. Lynette stayed a little longer and then I walked her home. When I got back I decorated some more cookies and then we ate dinner. We ate my mom's enchiladas. I really like my mom's enchiladas. Before dinner we did our party crackers. Crackers are these little party things where there's a middle and openings on the sides. There are strings on the sides and when everyone says go you pull the strings. You get a tissue paper hat inside and a surprise. I got a little ball. Dern got a little whoopie cushion. Terry got a little horse puzzle which he gave to me. We can't remember what mom got.
After a while dinner was finished and mom let me open one present early. We always open one present on Christmas eve. Terry stayed for that then he went home. I got a really pretty Breyer horse from our dog Cora. We had family time and watched some TV on the couch. Mom read me one of my favorite stories called "Merry Christmas Stinky Face". We said good night and I went to bed after I wrote my letter to Santa and set out his cookies and Cheerios and dried cranberries for the reindeer.
I woke up around 4 in the morning and I had to go potty. Then when I came out of the bathroom I looked from the kitchen and Santa had come! Of course it was too early to get up so I went back to bed. A while later I heard mom and Dern and I went out. We watched a little bit of tv together and then we opened presents. I got a lot of cool presents. I got a lot of Breyer horses which I really love, three puzzles, an aquarium and an iQuest from Santa. Mom and Dern went into storage and got all my Barbies and brought them to Ensenada and wrapped them and we took everything out and then my mom and I played with them. Santa gave us a family camera like last year he got us a family lap top computer. We did our stockings last and mom put hers out too. I got a package of Nutter Butter cookies, a candy bar, two things of popcorn and a Lifesaver Storybook and a little toiletry bag and a toothbrush and toothpaste, little dinosaurs that have dental floss in their mouths and some chapstick. My mom got the banana and an orange and gold chocolate coins and mini twizzlers.
We did some phone calls. We called Grammie's house and talked to Uncle Billy, Grammie, Grandpa and Connor. They had a good Christmas too. Aunt Kathy and Uncle Peter were there and their little boy Ian. We also talked to Nana in Texas. I'm not really disappointed that my dad didn't call me for Christmas, I expected that he probably wouldn't call me anyways.
For Christmas dinner we had a stuffed goose with wild rice and Chantrelle mushroom stuffing. It was ok, but I'd rather have a turkey. I'm just more used to turkey. We had more family time and went to beddy.
All in all we had a good Christmas!
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