We have frog eggs in our pond. We put some of the eggs in a small tank and brought them inside the house. Now we're watching them hatch. They were little tiny specks when we first brought them in, now they look like little tiny jumping beans cause they jump around in their egg sack a lot. It's really fun watching them. I'll let you know when they hatch. When they are big enough we are going to let them go into one of our other ponds. Here's some pictures, I hope you enjoy looking at them.
Hi Cody,
We'd better build a cover for the ponds before we turn the tadpoles loose. We have to keep those darned racoon paws out after the trouble they caused over the weekend!
Hi Cody,
Wow that is cool!
You are going to have fun with those.
I raised a big giant Toad once.
Love, JJ
Greetings Angel Girl: Boy does this bring back memories for me. When I was a little girl I would go up to the ponds that were up behind Mamo's house in Eagle Rock & collect tadpoles. I never was lucky enough to see any eggs, or if I did I din't know what they were. But I had thousands of tad's to catch & spent many happy hours doing that. Mom is right about building a top for the pond so they won't be eaten. Looks like so much fun for you & Mateo. Lov U Nana
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