Medieval fair and Rojo

Last Friday at Kid's Camp the theme was Medieval Times. We had our own little medieval fair. We had games and activities, arts and crafts. The Medieval fair lasted all day, but I don't know how long it lasted as I got picked up around 4:00.
For morning snack we made Apple crumlettes. Mine fell apart a little bit because I put too much apple in mine. For the most part, the Medieval fair was pretty fun. I made lots of things, some of them were a necklace, a pouch, and two crowns. At the end of the day I got a Peacock feather.
In the middle of the fair one of the counselors who works at Rancho El Chorro brought out a Red Tailed Hawk. His name is Rojo. Rojo was a very pretty bird. He spun his head around a lot. His wing span is about two feet across. He eats reptiles and basically anything he can get his beak on. The reason why Rancho El Chorro has Rojo is because he had a broken wing when he was a baby and he couldn't survive in the wild.
So all in all, I had a pretty good Medieval fair day.
Great looking bird & the name if very fitting since it has a red tail. We have a lot of hawks here in Texas. I've never seen so many varities. You will have to bring a bird book so we can identify the one's we see. You might want to bring a journal telling all that you do day after day.
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