Innisbrook Fundraiser

Innisbrook is the first fund raiser that we are doing at my school. We had an assembly at school explaining it to us and showing us the prizes. My school gets to keep 50% of all of my sales. I can win really cool prizes. My goal is winning an iPod or an intruder alert or a speaker phone with caller ID. If I can sell 150 things I will win every prize in the brochure!
Since none of you live close enough to see me about the catalog, you can go on the website and see if you like any of the things that are for sale. Some of the fun things are candies. There are special kinds that you would buy in candy stores like Peanut Butter Crunch, caramel Nut Clusters and more.
For you Uncle Bob, since you don't have any teeth, there are Coconut Creams, Peppermint Creams and Milk Chocolate Caramels. (My mouth is really watering right now!)
Since the holidays are coming up, you will find wrapping papers. There's Christmas, Hanukkah and just plain fun wrapping paper.
There's also magazines and If I were you Cammy, I would look at the Crayola sidewalk chalk that's shaped like animals.
There are cool magnets and a lot of things that families could use for gifts.
There are more products on the website than in my catalog.
The address is and my school number is 110902.
I will get credit for everything my family buys on line.
I really appreciate it. I love you.
Hi Cody
Just finished reading your latest blog entries. They are terrific as usual. I wanted to congratulate you on the fantastic reading score that your Mom wrote about! Great job! It sounds to me like you have a wonderful teacher and that it's going to be a great school year for you.
I read about your school fundraising project and I promise to buy several things, probably some candies that I can share with my staff at work. I can't do it right now but you can count on me to help you.
Say Hi to your Mom for me, and you keep having fun at school and everywhere else! Bye for now hon--
Uncle Billy
Uncle Billy,
Thanks for replying and saying that you'd buy some stuff. I really appreciate it. You are the only one who I can always count on to help me out with school and other things.
Thanks again, love you!
ps. My mom says hello too!
Howdy Angelo Girl
I finally found the time & took it to catch up on your sight. It is really great. I am sad to say that I was unable to open all the previous posts tonight but I will try again tomorrow.
Keep up the fabulous work at school so you will be able to spend more time here in Texas next summer. I will go onto the web site to check out the stull you are trying to sell. Nini got a good laugh from your comment to uncle Bob about his teeth or lack there of. I am looking forware to logging on again to see what you are up. I wish you had you camera here so that you could have taken pictures of your adventure here in Tex. I love you lots. Nana
Dear Nana,
It's nice to hear from you on my blog. I'm sorry too that I didn't bring my camera this summer. I'm trying hard at school, basically right now I'm getting A's and B's. One one of my tests I got a C.
Say hi to everyone and if you see Bailey, tell her that I will send her a letter soon.
I love you,
Hi Cody Girl! Aunt Ruth and I got our order in this morning, Saturday. I know you neeeded it on Friday but I can't begin to tell you what a crazy & fast paced week I have had. I went on line and it worked fine. You will get 18 credits, according to the order form.
What a great job you did on your reading exams. It is so important to be able to read & write and you would not believe how many grown ups & kids do not learn how to read in schools all over the country, it is really very sad. So, hip hip hooray for you!!!
It is Saturday & we are going to the Cow to celebrate Camie's 6th birthday. She was 6 on Monday but she was sick with a bad cold. I got her some puzzles, a very ratty looking stuffed dog (she'll love it. It's kind of like a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree-Dog), a little keepsake box, all which are dogs because she is so all about dogs right now, even the puzzles. I sure wish you could be here too but you'll be back at the Cow before we know it. Let me know when you will be on school break next. Grampa & I picked up some souvenirs on our cruise for you. I could mail them if you won't be down for a while. Let me know.
Our cruise was very nice and we saw wonderful places that were very old, some over 1,000 years old! I think they call that older than dirt! We saw ruins of cities in Pompei, the Coloseum in Rome, The Vatican & Sistine Chapel, the canals of Venice,which are really neat and a most beautiful church in Venice called Saint Mark's Church. It was built so beautifully & had beautiful paintings & decorations in it. It is very, very old also. I brought home one of the old things...your grandpa..ha ha ha!
I'm glad school is going well for you. Sorry I don't communicate on line as well as I should as I am not a big e-mailer. I tried to go on line to your site at work where I have my computer on all the time but it is blocked from any sites like a blog, probably to protect our office computer network system from getting any virus's or bugs of an internet type.
Well, I've rattled on and bored you enough I think, so I'll sign off with a great big hug and lot's of love from me and grandpa. Love you, grammie!
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