My First Day of Fourth Grade

Today was my first day of Fourth grade. It was a little hard cause I was really nervous. The day before my grandma had to leave and I was really sad. The day she left she bought me a heart shaped alarm clock. When ever I turn off my alarm and set it for the next morning I think of my grandma.
The night before school started while we were grocery shopping I asked my mom if I could get my teacher some flowers. She said yes and my stepdad drove us to Albertson's. I chose some yellow daises.
My mom and step dad took me to school this morning. We were really early so we walked around school and then went back to the truck for a little bit. Then we found my teacher on the playground. I gave her the flowers.
My teacher is a really nice lady. Most of my friends are in the other class, which I was disappointed about, but my best friend Theresa is in my class. I really think I'm going to like fourth grade. I was also really glad to see my teacher from last year.
I think I'm going to have a really good second year at Del Mar!
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