November Plans

We are leaving for Mexico on Nov. 15th. We are going to the Score Tecate Baja 1000 race that is happening that next weekend. We will be going to the same camping place where we watched the 500 race in June. That is a good place because we will see the race going in both directions. We are also going to bring the couch and tv for movies cause my dvd player drained the battery on the truck last year. We also may bring some stuff so we can make 'Smores. I like camping out for the races and I also like watching over the fire and getting to throw sticks in. Mom and Dern watch me to make sure I'm safe. It's nice to camp outside and see the stars at night when I go to sleep. Our friend Cy is going in his own truck and Dern's dad, "Grampa Joe" is going with us. Cy isn't staying for Thanksgiving.
After the race we are staying in Ensenada for Thanksgiving. Last year it was at our house, but this year we are going to have Thanksgiving at Terry's house. Terry is our really good friend that we hang out with in Mexico. We take care of his dog, "Dewey" when Terry is away. Terry lives on a really big hill, a few minutes away from our house. We usually walk to Terry's house. I like to go down his hill on my bike.
We will be coming home the weekend after Thanksgiving.
I'm glad that you have fun at the races. Some day when you have your own pink diesel truck, you can be the one taking me to the races! I'm looking forward to that!
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