Our Big Sister Interview
Today we had a young man named Cody, CODY like me, come over to our house to interview me to match me up with a big sister. He was very nice and he just asked questions like what I like to do, what would I like to do with my big sister, and that kind of stuff. I told him a lot of things, but I forgot to tell him that I really like watching ABC Family. Even though I told him that I like to be out in nature, sometimes it gets cold outside so I like to go inside and watch movies. Sometimes the movies I like can be a little scary, and sometimes on Friday nights they come on. It would be nice to have someone to watch it with me. I also like to bake and cook a lot. Maybe my big sister could teach me how to cook. I also forgot to tell him that I love stuffed animals and Breyer horses.
Cody is going to go back to his office and go through his files to find someone who would be a good match with me. There's a chance that my big sister could be retired, or a different color than I am, but in my family it doesn't matter what color or what age they are.
I'm REALLY excited that there's a possibility of me having a big sister! I'll let everybody know when he hear back from Cody.