
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Our Big Sister Interview

Today we had a young man named Cody, CODY like me, come over to our house to interview me to match me up with a big sister. He was very nice and he just asked questions like what I like to do, what would I like to do with my big sister, and that kind of stuff. I told him a lot of things, but I forgot to tell him that I really like watching ABC Family. Even though I told him that I like to be out in nature, sometimes it gets cold outside so I like to go inside and watch movies. Sometimes the movies I like can be a little scary, and sometimes on Friday nights they come on. It would be nice to have someone to watch it with me. I also like to bake and cook a lot. Maybe my big sister could teach me how to cook. I also forgot to tell him that I love stuffed animals and Breyer horses.

Cody is going to go back to his office and go through his files to find someone who would be a good match with me. There's a chance that my big sister could be retired, or a different color than I am, but in my family it doesn't matter what color or what age they are.

I'm REALLY excited that there's a possibility of me having a big sister! I'll let everybody know when he hear back from Cody.

Monday, December 19, 2005

The Christmas Trolley

Around Christmas time the Police department rent a trolley for three nights and they go around the neighborhood visiting children and giving them a stuffed animal and a candy cane. We knew it was coming down our streat cause we could hear the bell, people shouting "Merry Christmas" and Christmas Carols playing. There were also Police cars and motorcycles in front and behind the trolley. This year Santa gave me a yellow duck. The blue mouse was from last year's trolley.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Mom's favorite Fish photo


While we were in Ensenada over the Thanksgiving holiday we took the panga out fishing. This is a picture of a Calico Bass.

We took it to Gordo's where it was cooked for our dinner.

My mom thinks that the fins taste like Ruffles potato chips.

It was good. We had a really good time fishing!


This is our friend Terry's dog "Dewey". He's really funny and he's chubby in a good way. Dewey likes his belly to be scratched. We went to Terry and Dewey's house for Thanksgiving. We had a good time. Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.