
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Cody's Big Summer

Hi, this is Cody's mom. Cody is spending her summer this year with her "Nana" at her farm in Texas. They left L.A. via Nana's truck and made it there safely in three days. They only had one small hitch in their plans, a dust storm in New Mexico that parked them along side the road for about an hour. She calls us nightly from Texas to talk of her day. So far she's given the dogs baths, harrased the cats to no end, made friends again with her "Aunt Nini's" dogs and is missing us already. We are missing her too, go figure!!! So, the summer adventures of Cody are just beginning...Stay tuned!

Friday, June 16, 2006

"I Am From" By Cody Schreiner

I am from the smell of making Christmas cookies at Christmas time, and the sound of race cars flying by at race time, and the wonderful smell of just crossing the border from California to Mexico, and the sweet taste of banana cream pie on my step dad's birthday, and the wonderful feeling when by dogs lick my face, the sweet words my mom says to me when I'm sad, the warm feeling when my horse breathes on me. Last but not least the words shut up from by brother.