My Birthday List.

Since my birthday is coming up next week, I thought maybe it would be a good idea to put some ideas out there and maybe save you guys some time and not have to talk to mom alot. For my Christmas present, Nana gave me some Breyer Horses. They came with a little catalog of what is coming out. I'm going to start from that.
One of the things I was thinking of that would be nice to have is a white mare with roses around her neck and her left hoof and her tail. Her name is "Andalusian".
There's another one I like called "Sport Horse Danaway Tango". I like this one because he looks very pretty and handsome. It's the kind of horse that I really like.
Some other ones that are really, really nice are called "The Fantasy Series".
Let's take a break from horses and go to other things. There's something called Dream Life. It's a game that comes with a remote and a system that hooks up to t.v. You can pick a girl and choose what she looks like and does and make friends and everything.
You will probably recognize this from my Christmas list, a "Nintendo DS" and some games. One particular game that I like is a game called Nintendo Pets. I think it's called that. You get a puppy and you raise him and you raise him and play with him, it's a really cool game.
There's also something called "Knit and Gem". It's a machine that comes with yarn to make really pretty hats, scarves and gloves and stuff. You can also put gems on them.
For my birthday, Mom and Dern are going to take the night off from work. One of their employees are working for them .We are going out to dinner at a new place that we've never been to before.
I would also like to have some phone calls, perhaps maybe before my birthday just to hear what's happening.
Dad, you said that maybe you, Connor and Dianna would come up for my birthday, but I don't really know what's going on because I haven't heard from you for six weeks. I counted it on my calendar. I'd really like for that to happen. If you can't come up for my actual birthday, then it doesn't matter when you come up cause I'd like to see you. I understand if you can't, but please just do your best. It would really be appreciated.
Hope to see you soon, I love you guys very much.