My mom and I borrowed a movie from the library called The Diary of Anne Frank. It's about two families that have to go into hiding because they are Jewish. If the Germans find them, they'll send them to a concentration camp. A concentration camp is a very bad place where many Jewish people died.
Their hiding place was in the attic of Anne's father's work. There was also another family hiding with them and a dentist too. Two of Mr. Frank's employees took care of them and provided them with food.
When Anne had to go into hiding, she was 13. The reason why it's called The Diary of Anne Frank is because her father gave her a diary to write in. She felt very private about her diary. She wanted to be a writer and maybe publish her diary after the war.
In the middle of the movie they began to get hungry and bicker at each other a lot. The lady who took care of them, Miep brought them news that some of the good guys were going to fight the Germans to try to end the war. She also brought them a radio so they could listen to what was going on.
The German police would come around and check for any Jews that were hiding. When this time came, the Franks, the other family and the Dentist had to be very quiet or they would be discovered. They also had to be quiet all day long while people were working in the factory downstairs.
The other family had a son named Peter. He had a cat named Mushie. One day when the German's were looking in the office below where they were hiding because of a burglar, Mushie was very naughty and getting into the food. He knocked a dish over and made a lot of noise. When Mushie began to meow the police started to laugh and said, "It's just a cat."
They were hiding there for about 2 years and 28 days. By the time they were discovered Anne was 15. No one really knows who ratted them out.
They all got sent to concentration camps. The only one who lived was Anne's father, Otto Frank. Anne ended up dying at a concentration camp because she got a very bad disease call Typhoid. Mr. Frank went back to where they were hiding. Miep gave Anne's father the diary. He kept the diary and made it into a book.
I learned that it must have been very hard to keep quiet all the time. I also learned that we are very lucky that wars like that won't happen any more. If you ask me, Predjudice is something that Americans and other people should be ashamed of because most people on this Earth are on the same level. That means that no matter if you're white or black, Mexican or American, we are all people. Even though we may not have the same religions or the same color skin we still all have feelings and families who love us.